A remake of 1978's Faces of Death from Isa Mazzei and Daniel Goldhaber was announced back in 2021, and to be honest, I thought that would be the last I would hear of it. But, nope, back in the news again - this time with Dacre Montgomery and Barbie Ferreira onboard as the film's stars - a relaunch of the gruesome home video series, Faces of Death, moves forward in its production.
Legendary Entertainment, the entertainment company currently spewing out nostalgia in all directions, is behind the latest Faces of Death endeavor, a film that will tell the story of a female website moderator, who comes across a YouTube-like video channel that is recreating the gory acts of violence from the original 1978 film. Those behind the film are hoping that the relaunch of the infamous series of death is a hit, that will produce many sequels for years to come, much like the original 1978 film from John Allan Schwartz did.
More news is sure to come for this project still in early development.