It was announced Tuesday that fans of Andy Muschietti's 2017 horror hit IT would be treated to a trailer on Thursday. Thursday is here and as of 12pm Eastern time the trailer has dropped. Here we go.
The trailer is more of a sneak peek giving us a scene between a grow'd up Beverly Marsh and the elderly Mrs. Kersh, who now occupies Beverly's childhood home. Anyone familiar with the novel penned by the great Stephen King, and published in 1986, knows that the elderly woman is not all that she seems.
After Beverly's unfortunate tea date we are privy to quick shots that could only leave one to speculate as to what is to come next. We get clear shots of our Losers Club members but not much else.
Starring James McAvoy, Jessica Chastain and Bill Hader, IT: Chapter Two will release September 6th, 2019.