If you thought UncannyCarlos' unboxing of Regan from The Exorcist was frightening, then I have a video for you that's even more terrifying!
Our favorite Sub-Zero cosplayer UncannyCarlos is back with another unboxing video, this time with an animatronic that had this horror lover jumping out of his seat.
Sold out online over at Spirit Halloween's website, The Widow is a Halloween decoration that truly embraces the power of its animatronics. Looking like a demonic witch, complete with a long face that appears to snarl and hiss at the same time, this one of a kind animatronic is perfect for any horror lovers front step during the Halloween holiday.
UncannyCarlos was fortunate enough to get his hands on one of these ultimate Halloween decorations, and the video above shows the endeavor he took to unbox this spooky 5" 8' figure, which comes complete with a ghastly laugh, and an even more sinister neck-breaking animatronic. To see -- and hear it -- is to believe it when it comes to this terrifying piece of decor, that features a neck breaking snapping sound effect that is sure to startle even the bravest of horror fans out there.
You can try and get your hands on one today, and I wish you the best of luck. The Widow from Spirit Halloween is definitely a treat of a figure to add to your collection. Should you be lucky enough to acquire one, might I suggest it as a year round decoration, which is sure to raise a few eyebrows until next Halloween.
Be sure to follow UncannyCarlos, as well, and like his unboxing video. It's amazing to watch as he shows you just how easy Spirit Halloween's The Witch is to set up and get working. Also check out his other videos that include his many adventures cosplaying Sub-Zero at cons and events all over the Southern California area.